Over one hundred years ago we discovered the 3 outer planets -Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. This was the first major innovation in Western astrology in two thousand years. Now today we have an avalanche of new data that can revolutionize astrology, however few astrologers are taking advantage of these discoveries!
HAVE YOUR HEARD OF THESE PLANETS – Ceres, Haumea, Makemake, Eris, Quatar, and Sedna? These are newly discovered planets circling our Sun that scientists call minor planets because of their small size. What will your Astrology reading look like when we add six new planetary bodies to the ten old ones?
HAVE YOU HEARD OF THE GALACTIC CENTER OR THE GREAT ATTRACTOR? The Galactic Center is the Black Hole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. It has proved to be a powerful influence in every astrological reading – more potent than any single planet. The Great Attractor is the most magnetic spot in the whole cosmos, drawing every known galaxy toward itself. It is indispensable in new astrology.
BLACK HOLES. Astrophysics have now identified dozens of black holes in the cosmos. We are in the process of discovering what influence they have in an astrological reading.
SUN CENTERED ASTROLOGY. Old traditional Western astrology is earth based, as if the Earth was the center of the universe. This can lead to false readings because of our limited view. For example, from Earth, the planet Mercury may appear to be in the sign of Virgo but from the Sun’s perspective, Mercury is actually three signs away, in Sagittarius! This leads to many incorrect readings. Sun Centered Astrology gives us a much more accurate view of where planets really are in space.
SIDEREAL ASTROLOGY. Old traditional astrology is called Tropical Astrology and is based on Earth’s seasons and is bound by dates. For example, the dates for the sign Aries are from March 21st to April 19th. The problem is that everything in the heavens moves. Now these dates no longer align with the constellation of stars called Aries. These dates now align with the neighboring sign of Pisces! This is also true for all the signs! Sidereal Astrology realigns the twelve signs with the stars that they were originally named for.
ASTRONOMY AND ASTROLOGY. These were once the same science. Why did they split? For all the inaccuracies just mentioned. For example, an astronomer might look up into the night sky and see that Mars is in the constellation of Taurus, while an astrologer will consult their books that are based on dates and insist that Mars is in the neighboring sign of Gemini.
INNER STAR ASTROLOGY. With this wealth of new knowledge, Inner Star is on the cutting edge of astrological innovation. Your reading will be quite different from anything you have heard before. As new scientific discoveries are made, Inner Star Astrology will strive to incorporate them into a New Astrology making it fit for the new century.
About Jay Jennings
I began the pursuit of astrology in 1980. While I was delighted by its concepts, I was also disappointed in its shortcomings.
An astrologer friend reminded me that the system is old, much of it developed back in the Dark Ages before the discovery of the outer planets. When he introduced me to Sidereal Astrology I was skeptical, but after two years of comparing Tropical and Sidereal settings, I embraced Sidereal because it was much more accurate in predicting personality.
After this first step off the beaten path, I embraced every new astronomical discovery to see what it could add to the science of astrology. And the rewards have proven to be amazing.
During the last thirty- five years, I have helped clients from New York to Hollywood, and from Texas to Canada. Being an educator, artist and spiritual adventurer, I have done readings for scores of people from these life circles.
PLUTO: IN 2007 the minor planet Pluto passed by our Galactic Center, which it does every 248 years. Three passes ago saw the discovery of the Americas. The next pass of Pluto brought The American Revolution, Hopefully, this recent pass will be called “The Maturing of America”, and not “The Fall of the American Empire”. Where we go form here is the next great adventure. Who will you be in this new era?
THE GALACTIC CENTER: In 2012 our Sun aligned with The Galactic Center, which is said to happen every 27,000 years. This is truly a time of new horizons.
SATURN AND THE GREAT ATTRACTOR: In the summer of 2016, Saturn passes over the Great Attractor, which is does every 28 years. This combination always marks a time of dynamic events and extreme dramatic change. Both positive and negative events are usual. Previous passes of Saturn have brought the founding of the Red Cross, terrorist attacks and a stock market crash. So far we have seen tragic terrorism in Orlando, Brexit, a surprise stock market crash, a string of Supreme Court decisions, weird weather, and strange accidents.
This time Friday the 13th may live up to its hype. This week the hot power of Mars meets up with the unpredictability of Uranus. And both are aspecting the zodiac hot spot, The Galactic Center. Expect the unexpected. Extremes are possible in every area of life from politics, to nature, to the personal. But this is just the first in a year of reversals and upsets.
Yes, it looks like a year of shocking events to come. If you thought that nothing could top 2016, get over it! Baby you ain’t seen nothinin yet! Last year was just the set up for the big one to come. Yes astro- wise this year and next are looking like the Great Years Of Change.
Some disasters are evident. The Chinese wizard Confucius defined disaster as both catastrophe and also opportunity. Get ready for some big opportunities this year. However, the bigger events are scheduled for this summer and fall. It would be wise for all of us to add Flexibility to our new years resolutions.
Good Luck To All!